Sunday, 30 December 2012

2013. New Year's Resolutions.

Hello my lovely readers out there. I hope you're having a great time and maybe making a little space in between your day to look back at 2012. 
And it's time. Yes, everybody knows what time it is: to make plans and set goals and rise your expectations for what is to come. 

I... wish I could say that I am not the type of person who is comfortable sharing their resolutions but even though that is half-time true, they do become more real just by being out here. 
With no more introduction, behold a long post. 
Created on Polyvore by me. 
1. Daily Entries.- I know there is a certain type of girls who are drawn to diaries. I know that they are thought to be a terrible idea. I also know that they are a great way to keep track of your memories. I am the type who has tried for a couple of years to make a diary work. Maybe you'd know by my photo-a-day failure that is isn't as easy but... here goes another try.

2. Blogging.- Another thing I have been trying for a while that comes with a little bit of effort. I'll try to think of it as family for my diary. I want to see this grow and I hope I can achieve that this year.
  |_ A little side note to the blogging section. I also wish to see my post posted in two languages. Spanish and English. It's something I've longed for a while but whenever I try to rewrite it, I end up changing the way the message it's written! Oops.

3. Quality pics. + pics.- Well, how on earth am I gonna work out the one mentioned before without visuals?

4. My reading challenge. I have been setting myself a number of books to read for a few years now and I know for some, it may be nothing while for others out there, that may be too much. So... 18 books this year.

5. Skirts and dresses... over jeans.- I am a sucker for Jeans. Whenever I have to dress for school -where it's cold and you find yourself in the need to sit on the floor...- oh well, you get the image. I'd like to change that.

6. Head over heels.- I have a little something for shoes. I find myself constantly drawn to all type of shoes. Lately, they've been ankle boots and shoes with some sort of heel. If I'm willing to get 'em, I'm willing to wear them.

7&8. Fitness and Sleep.- Easy: workout more often, sleep earlier.

9. More bows.- Shine, shine my girly side.

10. Save Up.- It's got to be done.

11. Take it easy.- Last but not least... I have to try and give up my taste for soda. It's not good for your body! -who knew, huh? lol.
And that is it! Yes! You made it through until the very end. There was one image left without any explanation but I seriously doubt it needs any.

Do you know your resolutions? Are you willing to share? 
If you are, be sure to leave me a response or a link so I get to know. 

Happy New Year and read you later!

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Christmas Newbies.

As many of you lovely readers out may notice, it is a busy week for the blogosphere. It has been a week since Christmas -well, nearly!- and New Year's is just about to be. Many blogs are doing their updates on their resolutions and... Christmas! Everywhere you look you'll be able to find the food, the outfits, the stories and the people.
I wish I had food pic's to share but honestly, the food didn't even last that long on the table -oops!- nor am I good at making food justice through a picture.

Anyways, I do love reading the so called 'what I got for Christmas' so... why not? Just a few snaps.

Btw, on another note... I am going crazy over the design of the blog and have been trying to make some changes. So, don't be scared.

Thursday, 27 December 2012


Merry Christmas! I know it's been said before, perhaps too many times but I really do hope you had a great time with your family, friends or who ever you chose to spend it with. What did you do? Would you be so kind to share your Christmas with me?
I wish I had more pictures -or better quality for that matter- to share but... I only have a few pictures and loads of words.I guess that will have to do.
I spend Christmas with my family over at my aunt's house, had a traditional dinner and had some quality family time. That and I had a great opportunity to dress up but even though I did took some pictures, I couldn't find a single one that looked right which leads me to consider getting a new camera or taking classes. Or both.
However, I want to try a 'what I got for Christmas' post but It'll have to wait.

Enjoy what's left of the holidays! Later!

Home made brownies. Of course, Christmas Eve, also known as baking day. They don't look as tasty on the picture as in real life but... oh well. 
A little mexican, skull ornament? Oh yes. 

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve.

I guess It's safe to say I failed the photo-a-day Challenge. Again. But... I think it's the first time I get as much as 10 days! That's probably not a good reason to celebrate but it's close enough.
And from all the days... I make up my mind to make a post TODAY?!
Well, yes.

I haven't been taking pictures because I have been doing nothing but Christmas shopping, wrapping and watching TV (Old series, btw) and reading every now and then. I wasn't even here to tell you that winter arrived with the new world! -Ha, you know the rumors... ''the end of the world''.

I just wanted to wish good for everyone who is kind enough to pass through! -I mean, who ever reads! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and have a lovely time! with everyone you love and means something special and important. I really do hope you have a nice time and keep it in mind for cloudy days... maybe?

All gifs & images from tumblr.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 15.

Christmas is so close, watching Vlogs for Vlogmas is almost over and the cold is here but still, I can't take my mind of the school job or the Reading List I'm supposed to be finish with before the end of the year...
The end of the year. To think it is just around the corner! I can see it in queue! Goodness.

And I still need to get Christmas presents for my family. Whoops! However, I feel much better, nearly recovered from my flu and... ready to exercise intensely a week before Christmas!
And I bring you yesterday's photo -I had no time to upload.
Happy Holidays!

Friday, 14 December 2012

No Update, No see.

I... have had a nightmare of a week but I finished school! Yes! At last. 
I've been home all week, sneezing, being cold and... whatever accompanies the common flu. It sucks! I wasn't even capable of touching a book without panicking and feeling all grossed out.
However, medicine is getting it's way through my body and I feel much better now but still, I spent today at home, watching Gossip Girl's beginnings with the very pretty Christmas episode that I love to watch! 
Luckily I found a few gifs on tumblr. 



Apart from that, I hope to be back on the Photo Challenge tomorrow. Have a good time and don't forget me! Because I'll be watching. 

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 8&9!

Welcome back!

Random intro rant:
I was reading this magazine I got for free at a conference the other day and it came out like early November and it already said that winter was over but we still had time, a little bit of time, to rock our winter clothing.
What? When did that happen? There was no remedy but laughter because I am one of those girls who enjoy winter instead of summer. And winter officially begins on December 21. So... not over yet!

Apart from that, I've been home all day, sneezing around and feeling sick all day long! Yup but I managed to get my pictures taken and... read. I was quite excited for the topic! Oh, so much fun! Now, the pics.

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 7.

Hey! I know. I am so sorry. I missed a day! 
I was trying not to and... really, a day isn't so bad. I know. The real meaning of bad is today's picture. Whoops! However, I will try to give you something good for tomorrow when day 8 and 9 are going up. I really did nothing interesting, but at school we had such a beautiful view of sunset. Sadly, nor the quality of the camera, nor the editor helped. There's no way for my picture to actually show you how beautiful it was but then again, I don't think that's so bad...
It makes it special.

My photo ended up looking quite gloomy but there was no point in you seeing the buildings, the important stuff was the 'bright' sunset. I don't know how much it looks alike the other picture from a couple of days back but well... Oh well! 

How was your day? I must say, winter break is finally close! And Christmas. And nothing to do with it, Christmas shopping. Today I went to the movies and watched 'Ruby Sparks.' I liked it a lot even though it reminded me of '500 days of Summer'. 

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 6!

So you're back! So am I to bring you another picture and a brief explanation of my day today.
I was quite comfortable today because I spent nearly the whole day at home because I only had a class today. Yes, only one!
Sorry, no complaints about that. I spent the cold morning watching the same movie all over and over again and new 'Vlogmas' videos on Youtube with a warm cup of tea. But skipping the details and straight unto...

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 5.

Hello! Well, I am quite happy with the way today's photo turned out -hey, I remembered today's topic! Yei!.

Today's temperature. Hmm, the picture doesn't exactly explain it all. I brightened it up so it would look like it did out there, were I was sitting.
Even though it was quite sunny, I had the need to overdress all day long. I was cold in the morning and in the evening and I was freezing by night and wearing a dress had nothing to do with it. There are people who are able to wear a dress with bare legs but when it comes to... me?!
As you can see, no snow, no clouds... but I was still quite cold!
Don't let the sun fool you. 
Want to know something? I was cold not only outside but inside. I felt like a flickering candle. Like my light could fade away at any second but.... cheer up! The sun'll come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun! *sings*

I'm getting into this photo diary. I like being able to remember.
Have a wonderful day and see you for tomorrow's post! 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 4.


Wow, that is something. I am doing two different challenges and being honest, I forgot the theme. I have failed in such way, it's like dying in the Hunger Games just as you enter. I don't even know if I survived the Cornucopia....

Monday, 3 December 2012

Photo-a-day Challenge. Day 3.

Hello! I have no idea how -well, I do- but I am updating you before school. 
The Photo-a-day challenge has been going... slow. I know, sorry. Oops! 
You're still getting day two, later today -I hope!- but we can pretty much forget about Day 1. The First Day of December was quite boring, spent doing laundry and feeling sick -flu, you know? It surprises no one on cold days. 
Today, day 3 is all about my new Cd. Taylor's newest album, RED  which I received Nov. 24!  Fits perfectly the description! And I apologize for the poor quality of the picture, I hope I'll get better pictures every other day but it is easier for me just to take pictures with my cellphone. It just gets the job done. 

Anyways, I'm leaving. Have a nice day and... see you later!

By the way, are you doing a December photo challenge? Even if it's not the same, I would love to see! 
Feel free to leave your blog and I'll come round!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Welcome December!

Found here!
Hello lovely readers! Today's the very first day of Christmas! Are you excited?
Being honest... oh yes! OF COURSE I am excited!
I've been telling my friends since mid-november "It's nearly Christmas!" and well, now it's truly december so... we're on a countdown here!

I wanted to do something special, a mix between an advent calendar DIY and a Photo a Day Challenge -to remember things next year and as many to come!- in order to get into the holiday spirit.
So I found a couple of photo challenges and made up my mind to try one!

Can be found here. 

So, are you trying anything? excited for the holiday season?
Have a lovely day and read you later!